Thursday, 14 June 2007

Soul Mate

soul mate (plural soul mates)

somebody close to somebody else: somebody with whom somebody else naturally shares deep feelings and attitudes
Encarta definition.

What is a soul mate to you? My husband is my soul mate. He is and I share so many of the same thoughts and feelings we CAN complete each others thoughts and sentences and we can also think exactly the same thing at exactly the same time...still after 11 years together.

I think sometimes though soul mates don't just come as lovers. I think they also come as your friends too. Sometimes you just have a friend or two whom you seem to forge deeper bonds with than others...simply because they are also your soul mates.

I feel no stronger bond than the one with my husband as he is my best friend in all the world. The one I wish to share everything with. But, there are a couple of people in my life who I also have bonded with in strong, deep ways. I think we are meant to have these soul mates to give us a more full life and understanding of life.

Whatever the reason for them, I am grateful and deeply honoured to have them in my life.


adjective 1. passing   out   of   sight;   fading   away;   vanishing 2. ephemeral   or   transitory When I think of something that is...